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Download Document Tagger, Sandboxed Solution

Document Tagger logotypeThe Document Tagger sandboxed solution is uploaded to a SharePoint Solution Gallery and activated there and on each site in the collection where it should be used.

If you get problems with the activation, please make sure that the sandboxed code service is running on the SharePoint server. FAQ

The person who performs the installation needs to have Full Control over the site collection. The recommended way to test Document Tagger is to create a new site collection for testing.

Then, once the testing is completed, you can start over by installing Document Tagger in the production site collection. However, if you want to use the test installation, you can just register Document Tagger and continue using the same installation.

For details about the installation and configuration, refer to the Manuals.

Installation and activation for a site collection
  1. Download the file DocumentTagger.wsp. (Extract if you have downloaded the .zip file)
  2. From the root site of the site collection, open the Site settings and upload the .wsp file to the Solutions Gallery.
  3. Activate Document Tagger for the site collection.
Activation on site
  1. On each site where Document Tagger should be used, open the Site settings >Manage site features and activate Document Tagger.
  2. You will now get a new "Document Tagger" link in the Site settings of the site where Document Tagger was activated. When you click on it the first time, a link will be added to the Quick Launch and a Get Started page will open.
  3. (If you don't want to try Document Tagger with your own files, you can click on the link in the Get Started page to create an example library with documents to use for testing.)
  4. Start testing Document Tagger!

Download the .wsp-file

It might me necessary to allow pop-ups in your browser for the download to work.

Yes, I want to download the Document Tagger Sandboxed Solution

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(to download a zipped file, see below)


Standard SharePoint permissions are used for Document Tagger.
  • The person who uploads and activates Document Tagger for the site collection must have Full Control over the site collection.
  • The Document Tagger site administrator must have Full Control over the site where Document Tagger is activated.
  • Document Tagger users must have at least Contribute permission over the libraries where they should use Document Tagger.

Download a .zip-file

If you have problems downloading a .wsp-file you can try this alternative, which downloads a .zip-file.

Yes, I want to download Document Tagger sandboxed solution as a .zip file, which I will extract manually

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