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PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch

New edition for PowerShell V7 and VS Code

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch coverIn PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch, Peter Kalmström explains how PowerShell can be used to manage SharePoint Online.

The book is intended for SharePoint admins and other power users, who already know SharePoint but have little experience in programming languages.

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch has multiple links to kalmstrom.com Tips articles with video demonstrations. These articles give explanations in other ways and make the learning more varied.

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch has 22 exercises, each with step-by-step instructions and theory sections that explain the idea behind the script.

The chapters have a clear progression, from very basic exercises to more advanced ones. Use them for practice or as templates for your own scripts.

The first chapters have no exercises. Instead, Peter explains some fundamental facts about PowerShell and shows how set up VS Code for use with PowerShell.

Peter has written the book with his mother, who is a former teacher and author of schoolbooks. She knows SharePoint well but had only little prior experience of programming languages. Because of that, she could ask the right questions about things that Peter took for granted and help him write good explanations.

The cooperation between mother and son has made PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch well suited as an introduction to PowerShell and a preparation for further studies.

PowerShell with SharePoint from Scratch is available from Amazon, as e-book and paperback.

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