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SharePoint Flows from Scratch

Power Automate Exercises and Explanations

Uppdated in May 2023

SharePoint Flows from Scratch coverIn SharePoint Flows from Scratch, Peter Kalmström explains how Microsoft Power Automate can be used to automate common SharePoint business processes. The book is intended for SharePoint admins and other users who already know the basics of SharePoint.

Peter's mother Kate, who is a former teacher and author of schoolbooks, has assisted him in making the content easily accessible.

SharePoint Flows from Scratch has two parts. After a few chapters of basic information about Power Automate and about the built-in SharePoint flows, the major part of the book contains exercises with example flows, from basic flows to more advanced ones.

Each exercise has a theory section connected to the current example flow. This outline gives the readers new information in a meaningful context and in a way that makes the knowledge easily won.

SharePoint Flows from Scratch has multiple links to kalmstrom.com Tips articles with video demonstrations. These articles make the learning more varied.

Microsoft Flow is primarily intended for Office 365 and other cloud based platforms, so all images, demos and explanations come from SharePoint Online.

SharePoint Flows from Scratch
is available as e-book and paperback on Amazon.

If you are new to SharePoint Online, we recommend that you study Peter's book SharePoint Online from Scratch first. It will give you the basic SharePoint knowledge needed to get the most out of SharePoint Flows from Scratch.

From Amazon reviews:

"Peter Kalmstrom gives the reader information to make your SharePoint experience successful. His Flows are well laid out and relevant to the reader. Though I did not find my exact Flow I need help with, I now have ideas what to incorporate to make it work."

"Eine sehr gute Einführung und auch sehr praxisorientiert gehalten. Die Unterteilung in Grundproblem, Voraussetzungen, Theorie dahinter, einzelne Schritte zur Umsetzung finde ich sehr gelungen."

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