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Modern Pages, Text

A SharePoint Online tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint iconThe previous article gave an introduction to the SharePoint Online new page model and demonstrated the Quick Links web part.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, describes the modern web part for text and shows what can be done and what cannot be done.

The new model page has a heading, where you only can change a one line text into some other words than "Name your page". No styles can be applied.

If you press Enter when you have changed the heading text, a text box with a few options will open. You can also reach the text box by clicking on the plus sign and selecting the web part called Text. Here you can add more text, which can be modified to a certain extent. The text can be left or right aligned or centered.

SharePoint Online Modern page text box

Styles and formatting

SharePoint Online Modern page text stylesYou can apply a few different styles to the text you write in the text box. Since Peter recorded the demo below, the modern SharePoint Online page has developed. Today a right panel will open when you click on the ellipsis in the edit text panel.

In the right panel you have more options for font and style, and you can also add a table. At the top right is a button that clears all formatting. 


There are two list options: numbers and bullets. Create a multilevel list by using the right tab, and go back to the higher level by using back space. When you continue on a new list the numbering of a numbered list will continue.


You can insert links in the text, but you have to first write the anchor text and then add the link. Also note that you cannot write after the existing "https://". Instead you have to write or paste the URL over the existing text.

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