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Workflow Actions and Conditions

A SharePoint Workflows tutorial by Peter Kalmström

SharePoint Designer iconIn the previous article we discussed different ways to trigger a workflow to run.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, gives a general overview over the building blocks that decide what the workflow should do after it has been triggered: the actions and the conditions for those actions to be performed.

Each action and each condition has its own row in the workflow script, and you can define it by selecting an option from a dropdown or by start writing text and selecting the correct suggestion.

 Peter uses a SharePoint 2013 workflow when he shows how to start creating actions and conditions in SharePoint Designer.

The actions and conditions to choose from are not quite the same in SharePoint 2010 workflows, but the general usage of actions and conditions in a SharePoint workflow is the same.


An action is a definition of what the workflow should do when it has been triggered, for example send an e-mail, delete an item or even trigger another workflow.

When you have selected the action, you must specify it and decide to whom the e-mail should be sent, what item should be deleted or whatever the action is about.


A condition decides when an action should be performed. The action will be performed only if the condition is met. Each true condition can result in one or more actions.

A workflow can also have several conditions, where the second condition is depending on if the first condition is met and so on.


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