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Import Users from CSV

An Office 365 tutorial by Peter Kalmström

Office 365 logoWhen you add user accounts to Office 365 you can add the users one by one, as described in an earlier article in this Office 365 from Scratch series. It is however quicker to bulk add users with a CSV file.

In the demo below Peter Kalmström, CEO and Systems Designer of kalmstrom.com Business Solutions, shows how to use it to bulk add user accounts to Office 365.

These are the steps:
  1. Open the Office 365 Admin Center.
  2. Click on 'Users'.
  3. Click on 'More' and select 'Import multiple users'.
  4. The window that opens has two download choices:
    • Download a CSV file with headings.
    • Download a CSV file with headings and sample data.
  5. Download one of the CSV files, open it and enter your user information. You may of course also use another CSV file that has the correct data.
  6. Upload the CSV file to Office 365.
  7. Set log-in status and assign products. As this is a bulk creation, all users must be given the same status and licenses.
  8. Click on Next to create the user accounts.
  9. Now you can download a CSV file with all the usernames, names and temporary passwords. By default e-mails with login details are sent out to the users, but you can uncheck that option.

CSV Tips

  • To copy and paste user data from another file, put the two files side by side by using the Windows key + the right/left arrow key.
  • To create user names in the CSV file, use a formula like this: =lower(B2)&"@DOMAIN", where B2 is the first name of the user and DOMAIN is the domain of your Office365 tenant.
  • Make sure the CSV file deliminator is a comma by opening it in Notepad. (Replace any other deliminator with a comma and save the file again.)

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