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kalmstrom.com FAQ – Kanban Task Manager

TypeBoth editions

ProblemMultiple site installations: Is there a way to run multiple instances of Kanban Task Manager within a single site?

Multiple site installations: Is there a way to run multiple instances of Kanban Task Manager within a single site? We want managers to see all tasks, but each department should see only their own tasks.

It is possible to use Kanban Task Manager in the way you describe, but it is neither recommended nor easy to achieve. Both Microsoft and kalmstrom.com recommend that one site per team is the way to go if you really want security, that users should not be able to see the tickets of another team.

That would mean creating a subsite for each department and install Kanban Task Manager in each of the subsites. You can set specific permissions on the subsites for better security.

Add all subsites to the top navigation, so that managers can switch between them. Managers can also use the Kanban Task Manager Multiboard.

If you still want to use only one site, there are two ways to go:

  • If you are only interested in convenience and security is not an issue, you can use regular SharePoint views to display different tasks.

    A similar method is to apply filter(s) and copy/bookmark/share the URL of a filtered kanban board page. Use the Project field and mark the tasks with Mechanical or Software. Then you can easily filter on project and bookmark the filtered URL of the kanban board.

  • A more secure method is described in the demo below. Here we have re-named the Project into "Department", and we are using a workflow that sets permissions on new or changed tasks. Managers see all tasks and users at each department only see the tasks marked for that department.

    The demo shows the add-in edition, but the principle is the same for the sandboxed solution

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