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kalmstrom.com FAQ – Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint

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ProblemSecurity: Where is the product hosted? How do you control if the fee has been paid? Is there a link in your code, which sends data about the usage to you?

Security: Where is the product hosted? How do you control if the fee has been paid? Is there a link in your code, which sends data about the usage to you?

Kanban Task Manager stores and uses information in your own SharePoint installation. All of your tasks are 100% inside your SharePoint and under your control, just like everything else you enter into Kanban Task Manager. It does not use any resources outside that context.

For subscribers on the Standard plan, there is however one instances where the software "calls home"/sends data to our servers: the registration check. The only information transmitted to us in the registration check is the actual registration key for the Standard plan.

For organizations with closed networks, or if you want to avoid this data sending, we recommend the Premium subscription plan. The Premium subsription gives the organization a register free copy of Kanban Task Manager, so in that case there will be no registration check at all.

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