Kanban Task Manager SharePoint editions: revision history

i November 2021 Kanban Task Manager version released with a small change in how profile images are loaded and changed in the settings.

28 October 2021 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Kanban Task Manager is more integrated in the standard list view.
  • Possible to use and switch between multiple task lists in a site's kanban board.
  • Addition of a "My Tasks" view.
  • The Statistics function exports a CSV-file instead of calling to the kalmstrom.com server to create an XLSX-file.
  • Possible to assign tasks to external users.
  • The Multiboard app is built into Kanban Task Manager as one of the views in all editions except the APP edition (where it is not possible to use the multiboard due to Microsoft applied security limitations.).
  • Enhanced dialog for color-coding of project or assigned.
  • Possibility to filter the Grid view.
25 December 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • New deployment edition: PowerShell script, for installation and upgrade in multiple sites.
  • Fixed a list selection issue.
18 August 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Enhanced graphics for Premium subscribers with their own company logo.
  • Enhancements for Premium builds without company logo.
  • Fixed issue with task counters showing random numbers.
  • SPFX edition startup errors fixed.
  • Registration fix in subsites for APP and SPFX editions
  • Now all images are in Base64 format.
  • Several minor bug fixes.
15 June 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Context menu in Month and TimeLine views.
  • Removed tasks now disappear from Month, Timeline and 7 Habits views without page refresh.
  • CSS fixes in dialog when embedded.
  • Multiple minor bug fixes.
7 June 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Bundle.js now loads last to avoid conflicts with other libraries loaded in the page.
  • Dialog now supports keyboard tabbing and warns if there are un-saved changes when clicking on Cancel.
  • Close button on dialog removed
  • Addin-version also fully translated to 8 languages.
  • Adding checklist items with spaces now allowed.
  • The focused control in the dialog, more clearly visible with a yellow background color.
  • Both timelog and checklist items can now be added both by Enter or Tab + key press.
  • Timeline view status hidden after creating new tasks fixed.
  • Translations are now based on site settings, not user settings.
  • Improved language handling in sandboxed solution. SharePoint default images are now detected and replaced with initials.
  • New build engine test
  • Subject line missing from forms and views in fixed.
  • Add-in starting problem fixed
  • Improved handling of Assigned To images in add-in.
  • Changed permissions requested by add-in to include the ability to add users to the default group of the set as well as the permission to search as the user.
  • Fixed issues when opening the assigned to tab in settings.
  • Fixed issues when searching for users.
20 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Introducing the Actions feature.
  • Introducing right-click/context menu for the cards on the kanban board.
  • Example data now creates non-SharePoint items in the Assigned To-list with images included. This enables testing with lots of users without having to add users to a new site etc.
  • The task form is now resizable.
  • Introducing experimental support for Arabic sites.
  • Deleting a task now updates the global counter.
  • Example tasks in the Not Started phase now have a % done of 0.
  • Position of the image representing multiple responsibles now placed correctly in the task dialog form.
  • Removals from the SharePoint list done outside are now removed without a page refresh.
  • Improved handling of SharePoint item changes outside of the board.
  • A few fixes in the search-functionality.
  • Improved handling of language detection.
  • Eliminiated timeout issues when board left open for extended periods of time.
  • Fixed issue with _spFormDigestRefreshInterval.
  • Improved handling of translations in general across all languages.
13 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Client web part edition commenting in the dialog form now works.
  • Drag to change now works in all Timeline views.
  • Tasks updated in Month and Timeline view without refresh or view change.
  • Task form redesign to make space for long task names.
  • Hopefully the final fix for JQuery compitability.
  • Fix for vanishing tabs in settings.
  • WIP limits on lanes and phases no longer count tasks that are already closed.
  • No more double tasks before refresh in month and timeline views.
  • Timeline views visible even if no projects configured.
9 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.

Startup improvements on first install, especially in the add-in edition

7 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • SharePoint form opening from some add-in versions now work better.
  • Reports include all data, even if tasks subjects are empty.
  • Sandboxed edition not in debug mode.
  • Priority colors in Kanban view.
  • Lane and extra field values can now be added from the form.
  • Filtered projects now work better.
  • First experience improvements.
  • New buttons in the form: Copy and Comment.
  • The description field in the Kanban Task Manager form is now set to enchanced rich text.
  • Extra values in the example data are removed with clean-up.
  • Improvements in how the + button works.
5 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released

Bug fixes:
  • Even more compatibility issues with old versions of JQuery found and fixed.
  • Issue with Assgined-To when creating example data fixed.
4 May 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released, íncluding the client-side web part.
  • Improved how Assigned To:s are loaded, saved and added.
  • Added projects and assign to from the task dialog. Users that are assigned or create a task are automatically added.
  • Delete tasks now doesn't refresh the page.
  • Improved handling of conflicts with old versions of JQuery.
  • Page load speed improvements. People images now always uses userphoto.aspx.
  • Addition of a Donuts view, where tasks in different phases can be viewed grouped by Assigned, Project, Lane and a custom parameter (if the extra field is used).
  • Lots of small bug fixes, mostly in the client-side web part edition.
28 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.

Lots of under-the-hood changes in the settings and some other minor fixes.

27 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Global counter feature added
  • Not Assigned is now always available in the Assigned To settings.
  • Issues fixed with Statistics, Assigned To column and compatibility with older versions of JQuery.
23 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Modified the Assigned To-list to only get those users who exist on the current site - not all users for the whole site collection.
  • All calendar-based views now only show open tasks.
22 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Addition of a Timeline view where tasks are grouped by the extra field.
  • Improvements in search functionality.
  • Added a possibility to sort ascending and descending in the Grid view.
  • Bug fixes in searching through URL.
  • The Kanban view now displays correct counts in filtered mode.
  • Removed 2nd textbox for free text search.
  • Clean-up example data button added.
  • Created and Modified columns made editable in KTM Tasks which improves example data.
  • Copy filter URL improvements.
19 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • Addition of a Grid view.
  • The search panel now contains an All option.
  • The example data tab in the settings now has checkboxes for Lanes and Extra field.
  • Fixed bug in drag & drop after switching views.
15 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.

Welcoming screen for first time use requested by SharePoint Store added to both editions.

15 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.
  • New settings tab for Open Hours. New information icon in top right corner of the task dialog indicating how long the task as been open. Elaborate tooltip explaining how that number was calculated (only in English for now).
  • New view: Burndown showing the number of tasks open, closed and created on each of the latest 30 days.
  • Some bug fixes and changed notification system which now also works in modern + Teams
  • Improved handling of the read-only case.
7 April 2020 Kanban Task Manager version released.

Extensive re-build that is not yet finished. We have temporarilly removed the checklist templates, hours open, default values, my tasks and the sandboxed feature move to other board. Some of the views are also removed. Refer to the Plans page for furhter explanation.

Faster loading, new Kanban Task Manager task form in addition to the standard SharePoint task form.
28 december
Kanban Task Manager version released.

Bug fixes:
  • The details pane showed up too far rito the rght in Internet Explorer
  • Registration problems for some customers
  • Fixedsome other, minor, issues.
11 November
Kanban Task Manager version released. We now have the same version number for both sandboxed solution and add-in.

  • Considerably faster loading of tasks and settings.
  • Automatic refresh, so that changes made by other users are almost immediately visible on the board.
  • Attachments, images and videos will be possible in the default add-in task form.
15 May
Kanban Task Manager Multiboard, version 1.0.5 has been released.

Bug Fix: Fixed an issue in displaying more than 1000 kanban boards.

2 May
Kanban Task Manager Multiboard, version 1.0.4 has been released.

Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer V9 (IE9).

29 March
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

Enhancement: Improved performance in generating Excel statistics report with a large number of tasks.

29 March
Version 7.4.14 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

Enhancement: Improved performance in generating Excel statistics report with a large number of tasks.

14 March
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

  • A 7 Habits view - Display open tasks in four quadrants: Urgent-Important, Urgent-Not Important, Not Urgent-Important and Not Urgent-Not Important.
  • A Week view - Display open tasks for the current week over time slots from start date until due date.
  • A possibility to calculate the open hours for a specific task.
  • Added a Versions button to view the version history of the selected task.
  • Added a Copy button to create a copy of the selected task.
  • Added a slider in place of the calendar to change date in the Day Report view.
  • Improved performance in loading tasks to the kanban board.
Bug fixes: Minor bug fixes.

11 March
Version 7.4.7 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • A 7 Habits view - Display open tasks in four quardrants: Urgent-Important, Urgent-Not Important, Not Urgent-Important and Not Urgent-Not Important.
  • A Week view - Display open tasks for the current week over time slots from start date until due date.
  • A possibility to calculate the open hours for a specific task.
  • Added a Versions button to view the version history of the selected task.
  • Added a Copy button to create a copy of the selected task.
  • Added a Clean-up button in the Configuration page to clean Kanban Task Manager.
  • Added a slider in place of the calendar to change date in the Day Report view.
  • Improved performance in loading tasks to the kanban board.
Bug fixes: Minor bug fixes.
08 Jan
Version 7.3.9 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a couple of issues in showing responsible's image on the task cards.
  • Fixed minor issues.
08 Jan
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a couple of issues in showing responsible's image on the task cards.
  • Fixed minor issues.
20 Dec
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

  • The tasks that are modified, added or deleted by other users will automatically sync and get updated on the kanban board in every one minute.
14 Dec
Version 7.3.6 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • The tasks that are modified, added or deleted by other users will automatically sync and get updated on the kanban board in every one minute.
20 Nov
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a missing assignee issue in the task form for existing tasks with SharePoint 2013 on-premise.
  • Fixed a random error in saving task reported by a few users.
31 Oct
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an error in opening existing tasks in the Kanban Task Manager App Part.
12 Oct
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

  • If a task has multiple assigned persons, it will be possible to find the task by searching by any of the assigned persons.
  • A possibility to display two-headed icon instead of the person's profile picture/initials on a task card, if the task has been assigned to multiple persons.
  • Addition of a checklist template.
  • A new view to assign responsible to unassigned tasks.
  • Implemented a possibility to assign a task to the security group.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled extra field column delete in a better way.
  • It was not possible to re-name the "Task name" column in the KTM Tasks list, now fixed.
  • Fixed minor design issues.
04 Oct
Version 7.2.7 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • If a task has multiple assigned persons, it will be possible to find the task by searching by any of the assigned persons.
  • A possibility to display multi-headed icon instead of the person's profile picture/initials on a task card, if the task has been assigned to multiple persons.
  • Addition of a checklist template.
  • A new view to assign responsible to unassigned tasks.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled extra field column delete in a better way.
  • It was not possible to re-name the "Task name" column in the KTM Tasks list, now fixed.
  • Fixed minor design issues.
20 April
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

  • Daily Trend view. A view to display daily task status in a line chart representation form.
  • Day Report view. A representation of task activities on a daily basis.
  • Improved design of the kanban board and details pane.
  • The checklist count is displayed on the task cards.
  • Implemented a possibility to delete the checklist items by dragging them out of the details pane.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled delete and re-name of the KTM Tasks list.
  • Error in switching task list if the list name contains a few special characters has been fixed.
  • Fixed date format issue on the task cards.
  • Fixed minor issues.
13 April
Version 7.1.17 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • Daily Trend view. A view to display daily task status in a line chart representation form.
  • Day Report view. A representation of task activities on a daily basis.
  • Improved design of the kanban board and details pane.
  • The checklist count is displayed on the task cards.
  • Implemented a possibility to delete the checklist items by dragging them out of the details pane.
  • Added support to a SharePoint groups.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled delete and re-name of the KTM Tasks list.
  • Error in switching task list if the list name contains a few special characters has been fixed.
  • Fixed date format issue on the task cards.
  • Fixed minor issues.
03 November
The SharePoint Add-in, version has been released.

  • A possibility to add a checklist for each task.
  • A possibility to record time per user on each task.
  • Preserve the collapse and expand status of the horizontal swim lanes on the kanban board even after refresh the page.
  • Default values are set for 5 fields in new tasks. These values can be changed in the settings.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled start date and due date format based on the user's regional settings.
01 November
Version 7.0.18 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • A possibility to add a checklist for each task.
  • A possibility to record time per user on each task.
  • Preserve the collapse and expand status of the horizontal swim lanes on the kanban board even after refresh the page.
  • Default values are set for 5 fields in new tasks. These values can be changed in the settings.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled start date and due date format based on the user's regional settings.
29 September
Version 6.0.36 of the Sandboxed Solution

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with installation in the SharePoint tenant root site.
  • Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
29 August
The SharePoint Add-in, version and the Sandboxed Solution, version 6.0.20 has been released.

  • A possibility to send a URL query parameter which contains filtering.
  • A possibility to change the captions of the columns Lane and Project.
  • A possibility to preserve the filters on the kanban board after browser refresh or restart.
  • A possibility to define the phase to where closed tasks should be moved.
23 May
The SharePoint Add-in, version, has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an error in rendering the kanban board on iPad and Google Chrome browser combination.
11 May
Version 6.0.10 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with the SharePoint minimum download strategy reported by a single user.
05 May
The SharePoint Add-in, version, has been released.

  • Implemented a completely new design of the kanban board.
  • Improved the user interface of the configurations page.
  • Added a possibility of creating a new task by the shortcut Ctrl + Enter.
  • The assigned person's photo is now visible on each card.
  • Removed a possibility to use custom responsibles, instead the SharePoint built-in users will be used always.
  • Implemented a possibility to change the assigned person from the details pane without opening the task.
  • Enhanced the filter option by adding a possibility to filter by multiple projects, responsibles and priorities.
  • A possibility to use all views on the Kanban Task Manager App part.
  • Implemented a new design of "My Tasks".
  • The filter controls are moved to a left pane, to give more vertical space.
  • Implemented a possibility to change the percentage done of the task from the details pane without opening the task.
  • Implemented some design changes on the Kanban Task Manager SharePoint lists and fields level for improved performance.
  • Users with limited permissions over the Kanban Task Manager lists cannot see the configure button.
Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.
26 Apr
Version 6.0.6 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • Implemented a completely new design of the kanban board.
  • Improved the user interface of the configurations page.
  • Added a possibility of creating a new task by the shortcut Ctrl + Enter.
  • The assigned person's photo is now visible on each card.
  • Removed a possibility to use custom responsibles, instead the SharePoint built-in users will be used always.
  • Implemented a possibility to change the assigned person from the details pane without opening a task.
  • Enhanced the filter option by adding a possibility to filter by multiple projects, responsibles and priorities.
  • Implemented a new design of "My Tasks" and given a choice to show "My Tasks" from multiple site collections of a SharePoint tenant.
  • The filter controls are moved to a left pane, to give more vertical space.
  • Implemented a possibility to change the percentage done of the task from the details pane without opening the task.
  • Implemented some design changes on the Kanban Task Manager SharePoint lists and fields level for improved performance.
  • Users with limited permissions over the Kanban Task Manager lists cannot see the configure button.
Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.
16 Dec
The SharePoint Add-in, version 2.1.5, has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.
23 Aug
The SharePoint Add-in, version 2.1.1, has been released.

  • Added images to details pane for Assigned to and Created by.
Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.
23 Aug
Version 5.1.1 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • Added images to details pane for Assigned to and Created by.
  • Removed the possibility to add A My Open Tasks web part. Instead you can embed My Tasks.
  • The installation, upgrade and removal processes have been changed. This was necessary as Microsoft no longer supports server-side code in Office 365.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue in moving tasks on a root site.
23 May
The SharePoint Add-in, version 2.0.4, has been released.

  • % complete graph that shows task progress.
  • Priority icons on the task cards.
  • Task overdue indicator.
  • Month and Project views.
  • My Open Tasks web part.
  • Columns per phase - you can set one or more phases to have more than one column of tasks.
Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.

17 May
Version 5.0.10 of the Sandboxed Solution has been released.

  • % complete graph that shows task progress.
  • Priority icons on the task cards.
  • Task overdue indicator.
  • Move tasks to another kanban board.
  • Month and Project views.
  • My Open Tasks web part.
  • Columns per phase - you can set one or more phases to have more than one column of tasks.
Bug fixes:
  • Minor bug fixes.

5 Feb
The SharePoint Add-in, version 1.0.18, has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Synchronization of deleted tasks was not working between two or more different users.
  • Delete button was not working properly on the task form.
  • Minor bug fixes.

3 Feb
Version 4.9.5 of the Sandboxed Solution

Bug fixes:
  • Synchronization of deleted tasks was not working between two or more different users.
  • Minor bug fixes.

28 Jan
The SharePoint Add-in, version 1.0.13, has been released.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed the swim lanes tasks count issue on the kanban board, when the lanes are collapsed.
  • Handled long phase names issue on the kanban board.
  • Handled a permission error in a few cases.

25 Jan
Version 4.9.4 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • Support for the Project Tasks list type in SharePoint 2010
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed the swim lanes tasks count issue on the kanban board, when the lanes are collapsed.
  • Handled long phase names issue on the kanban board.

26 Oct
The SharePoint Add-in, version 1.0.10, has been released.

Bug fix:
Fixed an issue in running Kanban Task Manager SharePoint Add-in on SharePoint sub-sites.

28 Sept
The SharePoint Add-in, version 1.0.7, has been released.
27 July
Version 4.8 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • Added a possibility to use default SharePoint status as a Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint phase.
  • Added a possibility to use SharePoint built in "Assigned To" as a Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint Responsible.
  • Now Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint can work with any SharePoint task list.
  • Possibility to generate Excel statistics reports.
  • Lane color will be changed according to the SharePoint site theme.
  • Support for the new browser - MS Edge.
  • Minor design improvements in the Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint Settings page.
  • The sequence field has been hidden from the task form.
Bug fixes:
  • Handled task sequence in a better way while moving tasks between phases and lanes.
  • Fixed issue in showing tasks in read-only mode when any user has multiple permissions.
  • Fixed issue in opening tasks if task body has image or link.
  • Fixed an error if Jquery already loaded on SP Site.
  • Fixed an error which was occurring sometimes while configuring Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint on the SharePoint root site.
23 March
Version 3.15 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • WIP limits: Added possibility to give a warning if the number of tasks in a phase or lane exceeds the number defined in the settings.
  • Locked filter and phase info - This means that you will still be able to see the filter dropdowns and the phase names when you scroll vertically.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a permission issue.
  • Fixed a couple of minor errors reported by a few users.
21 Jan
Version 3.9 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • Used swim lanes for giving a possibility to group tasks on the kanban board.
  • Added a possibility to drag and drop tasks between and within phases using the keyboard, Ctrl + arrows.
  • Implemented the responsive design which makes the user interface adapt better to different screens.
  • Added a possibility to zoom into tasks and out again.
  • Now Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint will start searching automatically when you write something in the Search field.
  • Added a possibility to drag and drop tasks by moving them with a finger, if you have a touch screen.
  • Now you can have clickable links in the visualized tasks on the kanban board.
  • Improved performance and stability.
  • Better support for other than English language
  • Support for a new language: Russian.
  • New logotype.
Bug fix:
Fixed couple of random errors reported by a single user.

14 Oct Version 2.1 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • The tooltip at hovering has been replaced with a details pane at the bottom of the screen when a task is right clicked.
    When you have already opened the details pane by right clicking on a task, you can select another task by either left or right click to see its details in the pane. You can also use the arrow keys to move between tasks. Right click in an empty space to close the details pane.
  • Clear cache button: To increas performance Kanban Task Manager saves a cache of all the current tasks. Sometimes this cache gets corrupted. If that happens once, click this button to resolve the problem. If it happens often. please contact the kalmstrom.com support!
Bug fix:
Move to a hidden phase was not updated for other users or on other browsers in a timely manner.

7 Oct Version 2.01 of the Sandboxed Solution

  • Tasks ordering within phase
    It is now possible to drag and drop tasks within phases and not only between different phases. The task ordering is maintained in both cases.
  • Tooltip at hovering
    More of the task title and description text is shown when the mouse pointer hovers over a task.
  • For better visibility the pins has been removed from the tasks on the kanban board.
Bug fix:
A cache issue made installations on different sites affect each other when viewed in the same browser.

26 June Version 1.92 of the Sandboxed Solution
Bug fix: an issue in the compatibility with the Kanban Task Manager for Outlook was corrected.
19 June
Version 1.91 of the Sandboxed Solution released.

  • Risk warning. In SharePoint users can change anything, even things that Kanban Task Manager requires to work properly. In previous versions such a user-change made Kanban Task Manager stop working. Now Kanban Task Manager checks if all needed lists and columns are in place and gives a warning if something is missing.
  • There has also been a lot of little tweaks to increase performance and stability by minimizing the number of times the JavaScript has to ask for data from the SharePoint server.
14 May
Version 1.73 of the Sandboxed Solution released.

  • Support for SharePoint 2013.
  • It is now possible to hide one or more of the Kanban Task Manager phases, for example the finished phase or if you have many tasks on the kanban board.
  • It is now possible to hide Projects and Responsible persons. This is useful for finished projects and responsibles that are no longer active in the workgroup.
  • The design of the visualized tasks in the kanban board is changed to match the Windows 8 style. This means that the shadows and rounded corners will be removed.
  • Added a possibility to change the behavior of the Delete icon (X) on the visualized tasks from a delete feature into a close feature.

    When a phase for this icon is specified in the Kanban Task Manager settings, the icon will not delete tasks but instead move them to the specified phase and hide them from Outlook/SharePoint. They will still be present in the database. The Delete icon is changed into a Closed icon.
  •  There are two task sizes for the kanban board . The bigger size is the default one, but for workgroups with many tasks we give an option to use smaller visualizations of the tasks, so that more tasks can be seen on the screen without scrolling. The smaller tasks has no "card pin".
  • Added one more special Kanban Task Manager SharePoint list with customizable caption. Here each organization can define their own component to add to the tasks. This list is not used by default but is created when a name is added in the Extra field in the Configuration page.

    When a name is added, each task will get one more dropdown field where the values in the custom list can be selected, and the selected value will be shown on the visualized task on the kanban board. It will also be possible to filter by the custom field.
  • Added a possibility to show the Priority value on the visualized tasks on the kanban board.
  • The kanban board has a dropdown for filtering of Priority .
27 December Version 1.0 of the Sandboxed Solution released.
16 Nov. 2012 The Beta version of Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint is released!
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