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kalmstrom.com FAQ – Kanban Task Manager

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ProblemCreate New Task: I get an error when I try to create a new task in Kanban Task Manager.

Create New Task: I get an error when I try to create a new task in Kanban Task Manager.

Create task error

This error often comes when you have customized the site column priority value and did not set any default choice for priority value. It is essential to have a default value selected in the priority column.

Please follow these steps to set a default value for the Priority column:

  1. Open the task list.

  2. Under the LIST tab, go to the Settings ribbon group and click on List Settings.

    Go to the List Settings

  3. In the Settings page, scroll down to the Columns and click on Priority.

    A Settings page

  4. The Priority column will open in edit mode.

  5. Enter the default priority value.

    The priority column

  6. Click OK.
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